Sunday, May 8, 2011

Editor's Note

I am Michelle Hupp, a 42 year old mother of three boys who is attending Lincoln Land Community College.  I am taking Composition 111 to challenge myself because writing was an area of weakness.  I have learned a great deal about myself and the topics I have written about. 

My first paper posted on this site is titled 'Hop on the Virtual Bandwagon'.  It is intended to be read by Lincoln Land Community College Administration.  The purpose of the paper it to convince the administration that computer skills needs to be incorporated into the new student assessments.

My second paper posted on this site is titled 'Year Long Calendar, Is It Worth The Cost?'.  It is intended to be read by parents, teachers, school districts, and state education policy setters.  This paper explores the issues surrounding the move to a year-round school calendar and how this change will affect the community.

Taking this class has been an enjoyable experience.  I loved the class and found myself challenged at every turn.  I even learned how to blog!!!  I can be contacted at if you have any comments or questions.

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